Pampers Cruisers Diapers Size 4 (22-37LB) 64CT
Huggies Snug & Dry* Size 4 Diapers.New!Up to 12 hour protection.With 4 layers.Leak Lock.Disney body.22-37lb 10-17kg.
Huggies every little bottom*.More than 130 million diapers donated to families in need since 2010.USA:Recycle if clean & dry.Store drop-off.Plastic the apple logo and app store are trademarks owned by Apple Inc.Android, Google play and the Google play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.Made in the USA from domestic and imported material.May be patented, see Corp.Dept. HSDB4-29.P.O. Box 2020 Neenah, WI 54957-2020 USA.Long lasting protection.? 1-800-544-1847.Mo-Fr: trademark and *trademark of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.KCWW Disney elements.Disney.
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