New Amsterdam Pineapple Vodka 750ml
Enjoy refreshing cocktails with Skyy Vodka, the number one premium vodka in the United States. Made with water enriched with Pacific Minerals, sourced from the San Francisco Bay Area and filtered through California Limestone, Skyy vodka offers a taste as smooth as the tide rolling out to sea. This premium liquor goes through the process of quadruple distillation and triple filtration for a vodka of proven, exceptional quality and softness. Mix the vodka alcohol for an elevated take on classic vodka cocktails like a Vodka Martini, Moscow Mule, Screwdriver or a Skyy 75. This smooth and versatile vodka liquor is also perfect for creating a new cocktail of your own invention. Skyy Vodka has most recently been awarded a Gold Medal and 90 points by the Beverage Tasting Institute (BTI). The 750 ml bottle of liqueur has a 40% ABV and should be enjoyed responsibly. We didnt invent vodka, but weve been driven to perfect it since 1992. SKYY Vodka tunes you in to move forward while enjoying each moment.
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