Ziploc Double Zipper Storage Bags 1 Gallon 20CT
23.7 yd x 11.8 in. - 70 sq ft. Thousands of uses. Throughout the kitchen. At a picnic. Around the house. Microwave-safe. How does Press'n Seal wrap work? With Griptex gripping technology! Only activated when pressure is applied, Press'n Seal wrap seals to plastic, paper, metal, wood and many other surfaces. Seals and reseals tightly. Best when used on clean, dry surfaces. Made in the USA.
1. Lift: Lift edge to start roll. 2. Pull: Pull sheet up (sealing side is down). 3. Place: Place second sheet on top. Individual portions made easy! 4. Press: Press firmly to form a tight seal. For containers, using two fingers, press the Press'n Seal sheet tightly against the dry rim.
To avoid danger of suffocation or choking, keep this wrap away from babies and children. Avoid contact with cutting edge. Not for use in conventional or convection ovens, stovetops, toaster ovens or browning units. To prevent wrap from melting, foods high in fat (like bacon) or sugar (like pastries) should not come in contact with plastic wrap in the microwave. When microwaving, turn back one corner of Press'n Seal wrap to vent excess steam.
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